small intracellular detox package


small intracellular detox package

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $110.00.

removes mucus, acid, waste, fecal matter, parasites, inflammation and calcification from the body.

Availability: 8 in stock

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This cleansing package removes mucus, acid, waste, fecal matter, parasites, inflammation and calcification from the body.
The alkaline rich iron plants nourish the body and delivers oxygen to the brain and cells, purifying the blood and eliminating toxins and heavy metals, allowing the body to restore its vitality.

blood cleanser- cleanse & purify waste from the blood
bio blood nourisher- cleanse , purify and nourish the blood, and convey oxygen to the brain
chelation:  cleansing the entire body and cells.

160z bottles

Weight 60 oz


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small intracellular detox package
Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $110.00.

Availability: 8 in stock